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Learn about our partnership with MassChallenge.
At DCU, we are committed to innovation in practice and principle, and at this stage of development, innovation must be focused and applied directly in service of our members. As we embark on a new phase of enterprise innovation strategy, we do so with specific intent to broaden our organizational participation and align innovation with DCU strategic priorities and member value. To these ends, we are thrilled to announce a new partnership with fintech accelerator, MassChallenge.
This partnership with MassChallenge will help fortify our relationship with our members as a demonstration of our continued leadership in the exploration of financial and technological advances in fraud prevention, cyber security, AI applications, financial product development and consumer experiences.
MassChallenge is a global, zero-equity startup accelerator headquartered in Boston with U.S. offices in Massachusetts and Texas. MassChallenge connects startups, experts, corporations, and communities in order to grow and transform businesses and local economies.
Thomaz Demoura, DCU’s manager of data science, discusses our partnership with MassChallenge and the mentorship opportunities we offer to the fintech teams we mentor. This partnership gives us a valuable glimpse into the fintech landscape, enabling us to anticipate upcoming trends. This foresight helps us remain competitive in the marketplace, incorporating what’s new into our innovation roadmap so we can provide our members with the best possible financial experience.
Check out this video to learn more.
What happens when a credit union (DCU) and a startup accelerator (MassChallenge) sit down and talk re-imagining digital forward finance experiences? Watch our Fireside Chat videos as Sue and Cait explore topics from artificial intelligence to member centricity to the power of collaboration and much more! Check out their full interview or dig deeper into the individual topics below.