DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Through our partnership, DCU members can enjoy Greenlight’s money app and debit card on us.† Join 6+ million parents and kids learning to earn, save, and spend wisely – together.
Digital Federal Credit Union members are eligible for a free† Greenlight subscription at no cost when they connect their Digital Federal Credit Union account as the Greenlight funding source for the entirety of the promotion.
Absolutely! The Greenlight card is specifically designed to help kids learn money management in a safe and controlled environment. It allows parents to set spending limits, track transactions, and teach important financial skills while giving kids the freedom to manage their own money.
As a DCU member, your Greenlight Select subscription is free.†
The Greenlight card is issued by Community Federal Savings Bank, member FDIC, pursuant to license by Mastercard International.
Yes! Once existing Greenlight customers add their DCU account as a funding source, they can reach out to Greenlight customer service and request to be added to the DCU partnership program.
Phone | 888.483.2645
Email | support@greenlight.com
The Greenlight card is issued by Community Federal Savings Bank, member FDIC, pursuant to license by Mastercard International.
†Digital Federal Credit Union members are eligible for the Greenlight SELECT plan at no cost when they connect their Digital Federal Credit Union account as the Greenlight funding source for the entirety of the promotion. Subject to minimum balance requirements and identity verification. Upgrades will result in additional fees. Upon termination of promotion, customers will be responsible for associated monthly fees. See terms for details. Offer ends 11/12/2026. Offer subject to change and partner participation.
Card images shown are illustrative and may vary from the card you receive.