DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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How to reorder checks or update your contact information at DCU
If you would like to choose a new look for your checks with your next order, log into Digital Banking by clicking here to log in or enter your username and password in the upper-right hand corner of the screen and click LOGIN. Access the Membership tab and under Accounts Manager select Order Checks.
Place an order with Harland Clarke. You'll need DCU's routing and transit number (211391825) and your account number. Please allow 5 to 10 business days for your order to reach your home.
To make sure you continue to receive important information and items from DCU such as your statements, DCU Visa® Platinum Credit Cards, and DCU Visa Debit Cards, we always need your most current address on file. It's also important for us to have your current home and office phone number so we can reach you quickly if necessary.
If your address or phone numbers have or will soon change, you have several options to update your information.