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Visit dcuforkids.org for Cash Raffle Official Rules. Present employees, volunteers, and affiliates of DCU and an independent third party conducting the drawing, and their family members, were ineligible to enter. Tickets are available for purchase in Digital Banking.
To view previous winners, please visit DCU for Kids Cash Raffle.
DCU recognizes the lifetime value of a college education. The Annual Memorial Scholarship Program is designed to assist students with the cost of this education. For over 20 years, DCU, through our Foundation, DCU for Kids, has provided this program in recognition of students' hard work and their interest in pursuing higher education.
Students in their senior year of high school who will be attending a state or nationally accredited college or university in the fall of 2025 are now able to apply for the Annual Memorial Scholarship*. Scholarships are awarded on academic merit, teachers' references, an original essay, awards and recognition, and extracurriculara and community service activities. An impartial panel of business professionals and collegiate educators will judge the participants' entries. In 2025, scholarship awards up to $150,000 annually will be distributed through the DCU for Kids Foundation.
Learn more about detailed rules, how to apply, and a list of FAQs for the Annual Memorial Scholarship Program by visiting https://www.dcuforkids.org/scholarships/.
Applications and all supporting materials are due on or before Friday, February 28, 2025, no later than 3:00pm (ET) and must be submitted electronically through the DCU for Kids Onine Scholarship Portal. Any documents received after the deadline will not be considered. Scholarship winners will be notified in late April 2025 by email.
*All DCU employees, volunteers, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their immediate family members are ineligible to apply.
* All DCU employees, volunteers, subsidiaries, affiliates, and their immediate family members were ineligible.