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A Verification of Deposit (VOD) – sometimes known as an immigration letter – is typically used for immigration purposes, a loan application process, housing and medical purposes, or for public assistance agencies.
Members can process and create their own VOD letters through their Digital Banking. Once received, DCU processes these requests within two business days.
To request your Verification of Deposit letter within Digital Banking, follow these steps:
Requests for a Verification of Deposit can be submitted in Digital Banking by fax, or by mail. A signature must accompany requests submitted by fax or mail and must include either a fax number to send the completed request or a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Standard Verification of Deposit letters are free for DCU members. However, there is a fee if the request requires that custom and/or detailed information be included on the letter.
A Verification of Deposit letter for a new mortgage or a refinance must be accompanied by a Borrower's Certification and Authorization Form with a physical/non-electronic signature.
Optional Information:
All written requests should be mailed to the following address:
Digital Federal Credit Union
Attn: Document Management/VOD
853 Donald Lynch Blvd.
Marlborough, MA 01752
Fax your request to:
Fax: 508.983.6348