DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Prevent forgery on your secure documents
A Medallion Signature Guarantee is a special signature guarantee for the transfer of securities. It is a guarantee that the signature is genuine and the financial institution accepts liability for any forgery. Signature guarantees protect shareholders by preventing unauthorized transfers and possible investor losses. They also limit the liability of the transfer agent who accepts the certificates. Documents are brought in and signed in front of a DCU representative. The DCU representative acts a witness to the signature and stamps the document attesting that they were present when the document was signed. Securities transfer agents insist on Medallion Signature Guarantees because they limit their liability and losses if a signature turns out to be forged.
DCU members can get free Medallion Signature Guarantees at every branch location during normal business hours.
To have a document guaranteed, make sure that when you come in to a branch, the document is unsigned and all signers bring photo identification such as a valid driver's license.
Please be aware that a Medallion Signature Guarantee cannot be provided on the same day that the request is made. After providing all required documentation, if approved, our branch staff will contact you to return to the branch, witness you sign the document, and then affix the Medallion Stamp to the document and return it to you.
DCU will no longer be accepting Passport Cards as a form of personal identification.
Proof of Securities Ownership:
Verification of Legal Right to Sign:
Value of Securities: