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A free identity theft solution for DCU members
ID Theft Hotline is a free comprehensive identity theft resolution service for all members who believe they have been the victim of identity theft even if it does not involve their DCU accounts. With ID Theft Hotline, you have an identity theft counselor in your corner until your situation is resolved.
We partner with BALANCE to bring you these benefits. BALANCE is a leading provider of consumer credit counseling and education services.
If you feel you have been a victim of any type fraud, please contact DCU immediately at 800.328.8797.
DCU will ask you some questions to determine what type of problem it is and whether it directly affects your DCU account. If we determine that you may be a victim of identity theft, we will then connect you to the counselors at the ID Theft Hotline. At that point, they will begin to work with you until your situation is resolved.
Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information to commit fraud or other crimes. It may also involve computer fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, and financial institution fraud. Criminals typically obtain credit in your name to get goods or services. They may write bad checks on your account or may make charges on existing credit card accounts or open new ones.
Identity theft is a growing national problem costing consumers and businesses billions of dollars and millions of hours in victim resolution.
Here are key ways you can help prevent your identity from being stolen:
Warning signs that you may be a victim of identity theft or another kind of fraud:
DCU has extensive state-of-the-art technologies and procedures to safeguard your personal and account information. In addition we use state-of-the-art methods to detect and prevent fraudulent use of your DCU credit card. Even so, it is extremely important that you monitor all of the financial and credit relationships you have with any institution on a regular basis. It is the surest way to catch problems while they are still manageable. Here's how:
DCU maintains a large and growing library of information on fraud prevention and privacy protection in our StreetWise web site. Identity thieves are cunning, deceitful, and often technically savvy. Everyone plays a part in successfully preventing identity theft.
Among the topics you can read about are: