DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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For account-specific questions, please log in to your Digital Banking account and send us a secure message. We're unable to address these requests through the form below.
Inquiring about the status of your membership?
Membership Application
Your privacy is extremely important to us. Please be aware that using this form is not a secure way to send sensitive personal and/or financial information. Please do not include any confidential information when using this form such as your Social Security number, account number, your PIN, date of birth, etc. For secure email, log into Online Banking and choose Contact Us.
If you’re locked out of your Digital Banking
account or have an inquiry about your auto or
personal loan.
853 Donald Lynch Boulevard
PO Box 9130
Marlborough, MA 01752-9130
Because your password verifies your identity, we consider emails through this method as if you sent us a signed written request. To log into Digital Banking, enter your username and password in the upper right-hand corner on your screen and click LOGIN or login using the app. You may send a secure email through the Contact Us link under your Profile.
Phishing scams can target DCU members in an attempt to gain access to personal information. If you believe you have received a phishing email:
* For any email communication requiring you to provide us with sensitive personal and financial information about your account, please use Secure Email in Digital Banking.
Phone Contact Numbers
For Hearing Impaired Members
Contact us via the 711 dial code.
Report a lost or stolen VISA Card
If your card has been lost or stolen, call DCU immediately.
You can choose from many options
Self-Service Telephone Banking – Provides 24-hour access to your accounts by voice or touch-tone phone. All you need is your Member Number and PIN to login and use it.
Information Center – Our Information Center Specialists can answer questions about your accounts and help you with service requests. The Information Center can be reached at 800.328.8797, weekdays from 7:00am to 10:00pm and Saturdays from 8:00am to 4:30pm, Eastern Time.
Apply for Loans by Phone – Apply for Consumer, Visa, Home Equity or Mortgage loans with a representative or by voice or touch-tone phone. Our Consumer Loan Call Center can usually give you an answer on your request while you're still on the line.
For fastest service when faxing information to DCU, please use the fax number that most closely corresponds to your request.
Consumer Loan-related faxes
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Mortgage Applications
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Operations Department faxes
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Membership-Related faxes
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Consumer Loan-related faxes
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Mortgage Applications
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Operations Department faxes
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Just click on the application and follow the instructions. For Visa, Home Equity, and Consumer Loan Applications, most members can expect an answer while still online.
Because your password verifies your identity, we fill these online requests as if you sent us a signed written request. Secure forms are located in Digital Banking. To access Digital Banking, click on the LOG IN NOW button below.