DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Thousands of members pay millions of dollars in bills every month with DCU's Bill Pay. Here's why...
To use Bill Pay, you'll need a DCU Checking Account. Electronic payments are deducted from your account as you make them. Check payments are withdrawn from your account when it is cashed by the receiver.
* You may not use the online bill pay service to pay governmental fees (such as taxes), court-directed obligations (such as alimony or child support), or payments outside the United States and its territories.
Bill Pay allows you to manage your bills within Digital Banking – eliminating the need for paper checks. You can schedule one-time transfers, or set up recurring payments, directly from your bank account or credit card. Additionally, you’ll be able to set up payment alerts and better track your payment history. Learn how to get started below.
In the videos below, we’ll show you how to pay your bills in Digital Banking from your computer or mobile device. Please have your username and password ready.
Bill Pay includes an Electronic Bill service, free to DCU members. If you ordinarily receive bills from participating Electronic Bill companies, you can sign up to receive those bills electronically via Bill Pay. Once the company processes your request, you'll start to receive their bills online and you'll be able to pay them electronically as well, or in some cases a check will be sent to them.
If your biller offers Electronic Bills, the option to Add eBill will be available to the left under the biller name on the Pay Bills screen via the desktop version of Digital Banking. If you are in the Mobile App, simply go to "Activity" tab and click on the biller name to see if eBills are available. If they are, tap the "Add eBill" option to get started! It's easy to sign up and use.
A DCU Checking Account is required to use Bill Pay
Learn how to protect yourself online from identity theft and fraud.
This agreement governs banking transactions using DCU's Digital Banking services.