DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Fraud control in the palm of your hand.
Card Settings put powerful fraud protection tools in your hands. Available in Digital Banking, Card Settings puts you in control of your DCU Credit and Debit cards by allowing you to turn your cards off and on, set spending limits, control where your cards are used, and more.
Receive text and/or email alerts anytime your card is used in person, online, or through a mobile wallet.
Here are some of the powerful options you'll find in Card Settings:
Turn your cards off and on – Shut your cards off when you're not using them for extra peace of mind.
Locations – Set approximate regions in which your card will work or block international transactions.
Transaction types – If you rarely use your card for online orders or by phone, disable them to prevent fraud and quickly enable them when necessary.
Merchant types – Enable or disable specific merchant types including gas stations, grocery stores, and department stores.
Spend limit – Control spending by setting a limit for transactions.
Alerts – Get notified via text or email right away whenever a Debit or Credit Card transaction is approved or declined.
1). Log into Digital Banking
2). Follow the instructions to register then choose how you would like to receive transaction alerts and which cards to include in Card Settings.