- Hear account balances and history
- Hear if checks have cleared
- Make transfers between your DCU accounts
- Have a withdrawal check mailed to you
- Free 24-hour access from any phone
- Choose from speech recognition or keypad
Call 800.328.8797
Access Your Accounts by Phone
Self-Service Telephone Banking is a free 24-hour service that allows you to move money within your DCU account by phone. You will still have the option to reach a live telephone agent if needed.
All you need to start using Self-Service Telephone Banking is your DCU member number and your PIN you received when you opened your membership. If you don't remember it, let us know and we will have another copy printed and sent to you.
With Self-Service Telephone Banking You Can:
- Check savings, checking, and loan account balances.
- Hear all recent account activity (deposits, withdrawals, purchases, and payments).
- Get recent transaction history.
- Transfer money between accounts.
- Make loan payments.
- Get year-to-date and prior year interest on loan accounts as well as loan pay off amounts.
- Make line of credit advances to other accounts.
- Make withdrawals by check mailed to your address of record.
- Make transfers from your account to other members' accounts (this feature must be set up in advance).
Using Self-Service Telephone Banking
- You must know your PIN (Personal Identification Number) to use Self-Service Telephone Banking, your ATM or Debit Card, and to get cash advances using your DCU Visa®.
- You need your savings and loan numbers. Visit Digital Banking to get your account numbers.
- Sign up to make transfers to other members. With Self-Service Telephone Banking you can transfer money from your accounts to other members' savings and loan accounts. Sign up for this feature by visiting Pay a Person in Digital Banking and add in a DCU Member.
For a copy of your PIN, contact us.
Helpful Tips
For Voice-Activated Self-Service Telephone Banking:
- Speak clearly into your phone. Do not use a speaker phone.
- Self-Service Telephone Banking will confirm your response if it cannot understand you.
- You can speak while Self-Service Telephone Banking is offering choices. It will recognize your response.
- Speak your Member Number, PIN, and account number choices one digit at a time. Example: "one, two, three, four" for 1234.
- Speak amounts as a phrase or single digits. Example: two hundred thirty dollars and fifty cents.
- Say "start over" to return to the main menu or "go back" to go back one level.
- To end the call say "goodbye" or hang up.
For Touch Tone Self-Service Telephone Banking:
Touch-tone access is still available. Please use the following prompts:
- Press 9 to use the touch tone menu
- Press 1 for Self-Service telephone banking
- Press 2 for Account Services
- Press 3 for Checking and Savings, including Debit Cards
- Press 4 for Credit Cards and Loans
- Press 5 for branch hours
- Press 6 for Insurance
- Press 7 for all other questions
- Press 8 to repeat this menu
- Press 0 to speak with a Member Care Representative
At any time, you can reach a live agent by simply saying, “Agent.”