DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Finance mobility freedom with loans for accessible vehicles or to make modifications.
For vehicles with equipment or modifications to assist people with disabilities.
Rates listed for new or used vehicles and vehicle modifications to aid people with disabilities. Get up to 125% LTV (loan-to-value), subject to DCU's underwriting criteria.
Terms | APR¹ | EMP² Per $1,000 |
Up to 36 Months | 9.24% | $31.91 |
Up to 48 Months | 9.24% | $25.00 |
Up to 65 Months | 9.24% | $19.61 |
Up to 72 Months | 10.24% | $18.65 |
Up to 84 Months | 11.74% | $17.51 |
Up to 120 Months | 11.74% | $14.20 |
¹APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are determined by your personal credit history, loan term, Member Benefits Level, and payment method, your rate may differ. Published rate includes a 0.50% discount given when you add and maintain direct deposit of at least $500 per calendar month (qualifying direct deposit is a recurring electronic credit of your payroll, retirement, social security, or other monthly income) to your checking account, excluding HSA Checking Accounts and pay your loan electronically. Social Security is exempt from the $500 per calendar month minimum. Rate is subject to change after consummation. Rates listed are for this product only and are subject to change at any time. Rates and terms on loans for other types of vehicles will differ. Collateral subject to review, DCU does not finance vehicles that are or have been a “Lemon Law Buyback” and/or “Salvage” title vehicle.
²EMP = Estimated Monthly Payment
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On Balances Up to and including $1,000.
On Balances Up to and Including $1,000 with earn more activated.
Rate is subject to change after consummation.
Rate is subject to change after consummation.