DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Contributing to economic development, job growth, and community revitalization.
On an ongoing basis, DCU contributes to economic development, job growth, and community revitalization initiatives. These have included partnerships with towns, cities, and organizations to offer innovative ending options to new and existing small businesses.
DCU continues to assist the Lawrence Partnership with administrative and funding support of the Lawrence Venture Fund. The fund assists ventures that add value and diversity to the Lawrence business community by making available low-cost financing, with priority given to the commercial and mill districts in and around the downtown area.
The Lowell Incubator Loan Fund was created in 2016 at the direction of the Lowell Development and Finance Corporation with the guidance and funding of local financial institutions, including DCU. The fund, which works closely with UMass Lowell’s Office of Entrepreneurship & Economic Development, is a low interest loan program targeting technology and life science startup businesses looking to expand in Lowell.
Through a partnership with the Lowell Plan, a private non-profit economic development organization aimed at advancing Lowell’s economic, educational, and cultural development. DCU and other local financial institutions helped maintain a revolving loan fund program designed to further the economic prospects of the city of Lowell by offering start-up and gap financing to local businesses.
DCU helped the Marlborough Economic Development Corporation launch a revolving loan fund program in 2015 through a multi-year financial commitment to the effort. The fund continues to provide gap financing to local companies and entrepreneurs specifically targeting those who wish to grow their businesses, help revitalize neighborhoods, and enhance property values.
The North Central Massachusetts Development Fund was formed out of collaboration between the North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce and local businesses, including DCU, to create, grow, recruit and retain businesses, jobs and investment. This fund covers 24 towns and impacts a population of nearly 270,000. The Economic Advancement Fund also aims to make new investments in new targeted strategic economic development initiatives to encourage the attraction and development of new businesses and support the existing businesses.