DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Competitive dividends that help you save for tomorrow's goals (big or small).
We’re committed to helping our Members save. That’s why our Primary Savings Account is designed to help you save by paying one of the highest rates in the country.
Minimum Daily Balance to earn | Dividend Rate | APY¹ |
On remaining balance | 0.05% | 5.50% - 0.05% |
Up to and including the first $1,000.00 | 5.37% | 5.50% |
¹APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Requires a $5.00 minimum balance to open the account and remain on deposit to maintain membership status. Rates are variable and may change after the account is opened at any time at DCU’s discretion. Fees may reduce earnings on the account. One Primary Savings account per person, additional memberships receive one savings account. Other conditions may apply. Please refer to DCU's Account Agreement for Consumers, and Schedule of Fees and Service Charges , for important information and disclosures.
Our easy-to-use calculators can help you plan and reach your savings goals.
Rate is subject to change after consummation.
On Balances Up to and Including $1,000 with earn more activated.
Borrow against your home’s equity to fund major purchases.
Three great options designed to meet your specific needs.