Refinance Your Auto Loan
Lower your rate, payment or both when you refinance.
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Are you unhappy with your auto loan? Maybe you’re paying a high interest rate or aren’t comfortable with the cost of the monthly payments. If so, an auto loan refinance may be right for you, but deciding to refinance is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Follow this guide to learn more about the process, and how refinancing may be what you need.
Please note, membership is required to open a DCU Auto Loan. Visit our membership eligibility page for more information.
Refinancing a vehicle usually means obtaining a loan from a new lender, who pays off your current car loan. However, it is possible to refinance the loan from your current lender if your creditworthiness has improved since taking out the loan, or perhaps economic conditions have become more favorable and you want to cash in. Whether working with your current lender or a new credit union or bank, the objective of refinancing is to gain more favorable lending terms — like getting a lower interest rate or payment — that save you money.
Thinking an auto loan refinance may be what you need? Learning how to refinance a car is simpler than it may sound. Here’s how the process works:
Ditch the loan and keep the car. Refinance your auto loan with DCU with flexible terms and competitive rates. Lower your rate, payment or both. Explore our rates, read reviews, and apply online.
Please note that membership is required to accept a DCU Auto Loan. Visit our membership eligibility page for more information.
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as legal, financial, investment or tax advice or indicate that a specific DCU product or service is right for you. For specific advice about your unique circumstances, you may wish to consult a financial professional.