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Before you start car shopping, your first step should be to plan your financing. Securing an auto loan before shopping puts you in a position to get the most for your money. Going through the loan process with your credit union gives you even more options to get ahead financially.
Please note, membership is required to open a DCU Auto Loan. Visit our membership eligibility page for more information.
Check out some of the advantages of getting auto loan financing before you start shopping for a vehicle:
• Know your price range. Securing financing ahead of time helps you estimate how much you can afford to spend. Instead of guessing about your price range and monthly payments, you can shop with confidence for your next car. It also provides an opportunity to review your budget and see where your car payment fits in.
• Negotiate with confidence. When you have secured financing, you present as a qualified buyer, which may help when negotiating a price on your vehicle. It shows dealers that you’ve done your homework and may improve your negotiating power.
• Less pressure. Making a significant purchase like a vehicle can be stressful. Securing your funding ahead of time can relieve some of the pressure associated with weighing your financing options while you are shopping. You can focus on the car and the features that matter most to you.
• Save time. Although it’s an additional step to complete before shopping, sorting out your financing beforehand can actually save you time. At DCU, you can complete the online application in just 3 steps. In addition to giving you leverage to negotiate on price, having your financing lined up can also expedite the process of taking your car home since you’ll be prepared to purchase.
At DCU, we go the extra mile to get our members the best deal on new and used auto loans. Check out our auto loan calculators and other resources to help you prepare for a better car-buying experience. And if you’re ready to hit the road, you can start the process by applying online for a DCU Auto Loan.
Please note, membership is required to accept a DCU vehicle loan.
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as legal, financial, investment or tax advice or indicate that a specific DCU product or service is right for you. For specific advice about your unique circumstances, you may wish to consult a financial professional.