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Starting the school year off on the right foot often means having a handle on the financial side of things. Let’s be honest with ourselves, though — it’s hard. Like, really hard. You’ve just spent three months juggling schedules, work, camp, sports, trips, and beyond. The last thing you want is to now have to worry about how you’re going to afford the piles of back-to-school items your kids need each year.
From pencils and notebooks to tech and backpacks, the list of school supplies can feel never-ending. We don’t even want to mention all the snacks and shoes. It adds up fast, no matter what grades your kids are in!
Speaking of grades — each grade level comes with its own set of unique expenses. Kindergarteners might have lunch fees to go along with all the markers. They’ll definitely be begging for a backpack featuring Bluey or Hello Kitty or Sonic the Hedgehog. Meanwhile, high schoolers might require graphing calculators, advanced textbooks, and fees for extracurricular activities.
Understanding these differences can help you tailor your budget to fit your — and their — specific needs. By maintaining a clear picture of what you need, you can better prepare your wallet for the onslaught.
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The key to budgeting for back-to-school is early planning. Start by making a list of everything you'll need for the upcoming school year. Then, break down those costs into manageable chunks. You may want to consider spreading out purchases over several months to alleviate the strain on your bank account.
The other way to budget like a boss? Take advantage of resources designed to help — like this one, full of back-to-school money-saving tips and hacks conveniently listed below.
Back-to-school is the perfect time to teach your kids about responsible savings by helping them be involved in the planning and budgeting process. Depending on their age, how you do that will look a little different:
Want to learn more about how you can help your kids with their financial literacy? Check out DCU’s Parents Guide.
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as legal, financial, investment or tax advice or indicate that a specific DCU product or service is right for you. For specific advice about your unique circumstances, you may wish to consult a financial professional.