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The average American spends $200 to $400 annually on energy that goes to waste, typically due to poor insulation and outdated systems. Those annual costs quickly add up over time. However, energy efficiency upgrades can help reduce costs and potentially increase your home’s value. Consider using a home equity line of credit (HELOC) to fund these upgrades!
A HELOC allows you to borrow money against the equity of your home. Similar to a credit card, you can borrow money as needed and repay over time. Because a HELOC uses your home as collateral, you may be able to borrow a larger amount for a lower interest rate than with a credit card. Compared to other potential HELOC uses, energy efficiency upgrades can help pay for themselves over time.
Here are some ways to utilize your HELOC balance to make your home more energy efficient:
If you aren’t sure which energy efficient upgrades for your home are the most urgent, schedule an energy assessment and have a professional home energy audit preformed on your home to determine where your money would be the best spent.
A HELOC can help fund valuable upgrades to your home that could improve livability and help increase resale value. To learn more about HELOCs and how they can be used, contact us. Speak with a DCU member representative by calling 800.328.8797, sending us an email, or visiting a branch.
This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as legal, financial, investment or tax advice or indicate that a specific DCU product or service is right for you. For specific advice about your unique circumstances, you may wish to consult a financial professional.
*Earn More is a sweep feature. Eligible balances are automatically swept out to FDIC and/or NCUA insured deposit accounts held at participating financial institutions throughout the country. You will still have access to your checking account funds. The feature becomes activated on the first of the month following the month enrollment took place. The feature can only be added to one checking account per membership, excluding HSA Checking accounts. Learn More about the Earn More Feature here.