DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Planned Service Outages
Occasionally, we need to take Digital Banking, or certain applications offline for software upgrades, equipment upgrades, and testing. We intentionally schedule these outages for the times of the day and month where usage is lowest. Most members are never affected.
If you do use Digital Banking in the late night or early morning hours, you'll want to regularly check this page for planned service outages that might affect you. Please note all times displayed are Eastern Standard time.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Bill Payer will be intermittently unavailable during the following times. Please arrange to submit transactions before or after this scheduled maintenance.
Sunday, 4/27/25 from 2:00AM to 6:00AM
Sunday, 5/25/25 from 2:00AM to 6:00AM
Sunday, 6/23/25 from 2:00AM to 6:00AM
Certain functions in DCU Digital Banking and the Digital Banking App will be intermittently unavailable during the following times:
In addition, Self-Service Telephone Banking will be intermittently unavailable during these scheduled times. Please arrange to submit transactions before or after this scheduled maintenance.