DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Get access to your paycheck up to two days early.
With recurring Direct Deposit your payroll, retirement, Social Security, or other recurring monthly income can be electronically deposited into your DCU accounts. That means no long lines to wait in, postal delays to stress over, or theft to worry about. Your money is in your account and ready to use.
Speed – The funds are in your account ready to use up to two days before payday.
Convenience – You don't have to worry about traveling to an ATM or branch to deposit your check.
Safety – You don't have to be concerned about your check being lost or stolen.
Build good savings habits – Building your long term savings is easier because it goes into your account before it touches your hands.
Recurring Direct Deposit is one of our three qualifying services that can earn you automatic upgrades to your Checking Account benefits at DCU.
In order set up recurring Direct Deposit to your DCU Checking or DCU Savings Account, simply provide your employer or other payment provider with DCU's routing and transit number/ABA# – 211391825.
To deposit funds to your DCU Checking Account, provide your employer or other payment provider with your checking account cross reference number. This is the middle set of numbers (8 digits) on the bottom of your checks. For simplicity and accuracy, you may want to provide them a voided personal check for the account receiving funds.
To deposit funds to your DCU Savings Account, provide your employer or other payment provider with your DCU Member Number.
ClickSWITCH makes switching your existing Direct Deposit from your current institution to DCU easy. Learn more about ClickSWITCH.
DCU can direct Social Security and Federal payments to your accounts here at DCU for you. Just print out our Direct Deposit of Federal Recurring Payments Form (pdf) and follow the instructions included with the form.
You'll receive your refund faster with recurring Direct Deposit. Visit our Tax Refund Direct Deposit page for more details.
Once you establish recurring Direct Deposit with your employer or other payment provider and the funds are being sent to DCU, you can allocate the funds to your various DCU Accounts.
Using Digital Banking, you can set up recurring weekly, biweekly, twice monthly, or monthly automatic transfers to your other accounts, to accounts on which you're a joint owner, and to other member accounts you've requested.
You can also fill out an Automatic Transfer Authorization pdf form to have us set up automatic transfers for you.
Contact the DCU Information Center at 508.263.6700 or 800.328.8797, weekdays from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, ET.