DCU Routing Number: 211391825
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Use your mobile device to pay with Apple Pay®, Google Pay™, or Samsung Pay
You can add your DCU Debit Card and DCU Visa® Credit Cards to your mobile wallet – quickly and easily – so they’re always available on your phone.
It’s a digital wallet on your smartphone or watch that can hold debit cards, credit cards, and more – providing a quick, secure way to checkout.
Apple Pay allows you to make purchases easily and securely, at participating merchants, with virtual DCU cards using supported Apple devices. Learn more about Apple Pay >
Add a new debit or credit card to the Wallet app, or add a card you previously used on a device associated with your Apple ID.
Google Pay allows you to make purchases easily and securely, at participating merchants, with virtual DCU cards using supported Android devices. Learn more about Google Pay >
All your rewards will stay the same. You’ll keep getting the same security, benefits, and rewards with all cards on Google Pay.
Note: After you add a card, you might see a small temporary charge on your account from Google. This charge checks that your card and account are valid. It won’t affect your balance and will go away soon.
Samsung Pay allows you to make purchases easily and securely, at participating merchants, with virtual DCU cards using supported mobile devices. Learn more about Samsung Pay >
Samsung has you covered, because Samsung Pay has partnered with top U.S. banks and credit card companies, like American Express, Visa, and MasterCard.
Source: https://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00045170/