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Consumer Education Program
It's sad to say there are too many people in this country and around the world willing to steal your money, your information, and your identity for personal gain or even for kicks. And while there are regulations that may limit your financial liability from fraudulent activity, clearing up problems can be frustrating, time consuming, and expensive.
There's not much any of us can do to prevent the existence of dishonest people – they've been around forever. However, there are steps you can take to prevent criminal activity and cyber vandalism from affecting you, your family, and your business. Here, we will expand as we uncover more scams and ways to protect yourself. Read the articles provided below to learn more!
Debit Cards and ATMs are a remarkable convenience that more and more people use. But, as with credit cards, criminals have found ways to victimize people who use them. We don't want you to become a victim.
Debit Cards can be used three ways – for purchases at most merchants that accept Visa cards, for purchases through electronic Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals, and at an ATM. That means you should take the same precautions as you would for a DCU Visa Credit Card...
Please note that there have been some misleading stories circulating the internet regarding PIN reversal to signal duress. PIN reversal is not a valid security option at the ATM.
If you detect loss, theft, or unauthorized use on your DCU Debit Card or ATM Card, report it immediately by calling 800.328.8797. The faster you report it, the faster we can shut off the card number, stop the losses, and order you a replacement card(s).
For disputed transaction amounts or problems with merchants, the procedure is different. For these, you would notify us in writing as soon as possible. The fastest way is to log into Digital Banking and chose the Membership tab. Under Services header, select Dispute a Transaction for the type of transaction you wish to dispute, i.e. ACH, ATM or VISA®. There is also information on handling card disputes contained with your statement every month.
At DCU, we use every tool available to keep your Debit Card and the accounts it can access secure. Here are just some of the measures we take...
Scammers use a variety of tactics to trick you into clicking on malicious links or revealing your personal information. Be alert to phishing and pharming scams so you can keep your information and your identity safe.
Phishing is a scam where you receive fraudulent emails that look like they’re from a familiar organization or company. You might be asked to make a payment or verify personal information, such as your Social Security number, passwords, or credit card information. If you share personal data, scammers may attempt to access your accounts, run up charges on credit cards, or use your identity to apply for new loans, services, or benefits.
Watch out: You get an official-looking email that seems to be from your cellphone carrier. The email claims there’s a problem with your account or payment information. You must follow a link to update your account to avoid a disruption in service.
Protect yourself:
Pharming is a cyberattack involving a virus or malicious code installed on your computer. When you use your browser, the code redirects to a fraudulent website without your knowledge, and the scammer tries to capture any data you enter on this site.
Watch out: You receive an email from someone who claims to have important documents you requested. If you download the file or click the link, your computer could be infected with a malicious virus designed to steal your information.
Protect yourself:
If you realize that someone has stolen your identity, it can be overwhelming. This guide can help you take things step by step and feel more in control.
What to Do Immediately
As soon as you recognize that your identity has been stolen you should act to stop any further damage from occurring.
1. Begin by contacting the fraud departments at companies and financial institutions where you know fraud has occurred or has the potential to occur. Tell them that your identity has been stolen and they can help you close or freeze your accounts. Change logins, passwords, and PINs for these accounts.
2. Place a fraud alert with one of the main credit reporting companies – they will report the fraud to the other two agencies. This is a free service that will make it more difficult for someone to open new accounts with your information. The three main credit reporting agencies are:
3. Report the theft to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) through an online form or by calling 1-877-438-4338. Filing the report will help you dispute fraudulent accounts or charges in the future.
Repairing the Damage Over Time
Now that you have taken some immediate steps to minimize the damage to your credit and finances, make plans to protect yourself in the long term. You may not realize all the ways your identity has been affected right away.
Over time, you may need to dispute new, fraudulent charges to accounts with companies and even debt collectors. It’s important to dispute all fraudulent charges because they may affect your credit record.
Identity theft takes time to recover from, but by focusing on staying calm and organized, you can regain your identity and financial well-being again.
Credit card fraud is a crime. And when you're the victim, it's disturbing. Credit card fraud costs cardholders and issuers hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Even though you are not liable for any part of fraudulent activity on your Visa® by others, you still pay for it in terms of higher interest rates, higher costs on goods and services, and inconvenience.
If you detect loss, theft, or unauthorized use on your DCU credit card, report it immediately by calling 800.328.8797. The faster you report it, the faster we can shut off the card number, stop the losses, and order you a replacement card(s).
For disputed transaction amounts or problems with merchants, the procedure is different. For these, you would notify us in writing as soon as possible. The fastest way is to log into Digital Banking and chose the Membership tab. Under Services header, select Dispute a Transaction for the type of transaction you wish to dispute, i.e. ACH, ATM or VISA®. There is also information on handling card disputes contained with your statement every month.
At DCU, we use every tool available to keep your Credit Card and the accounts it can access secure. Here are just some of the measures we take...