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Simple Ways to Reduce Home Costs

November 23, 2022
Happy senior couple painting a wall

Maintaining a home comes with plenty of rewards, but also plenty of bills, from electricity to upkeep to gas for the lawnmower. Following these seven easy tips can help you save some money along the way.

  1. Reduce your use.
    Reducing energy can go so much deeper than just flipping off the switch. With smart technology, you can buy power strips that sense usage of the electronics plugged into it and shut power down completely if not in use. Also switch your light bulbs to low-energy LED or CFL bulbs. Not only do they save electricity, but they can also last up to 10 years, saving you money on replacements.

  2. Install a programmable thermostat.
    We know that turning the temperature down when we aren’t home can help save money on the energy bill, but remembering to turn it down as we walk out the door can be a hassle. With a programmable thermostat, you can set it and forget it.

  3. Lower the temperature on the water heater.
    Lower the temperature on your water heater to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. At that temperature the heater isn’t constantly running to keep it at a higher temp, everyone in the house can enjoy hot showers, and you don’t have to worry about children accidently burning themselves, which is a potential danger for higher-set heaters.

  4. Take advantage of a home energy assessment.
    Many energy suppliers offer home energy audits, checking your house for things such as window leaks and efficient lighting, offering quick fixes that can provide cuts to your energy bill.

  5. Bundle or cut your services.
    Do a realistic check of services you use. Do you actually watch all 500 cable channels you are paying for? Lower the bill by cutting services you don’t use. Also, look into bundling the ones you do use to save money. And review your contract each year. Many providers will offer discounts to long-term customers, but only if you call and ask.

  6. Talk with your insurance provider.
    Many insurance companies can get you better rates if you bundle your home and car insurance together. Also, ask your company to review your coverage every few years. A few years without an accident or traffic ticket could mean reduced premiums.

  7. Learn to DIY.
    If you know how to use a hammer or wrench and have access to YouTube, there are tutorials for just about anything to help you do it yourself. Buy some basic tools and learn to do some of the smaller-scale home maintenance yourself instead of calling a professional, and you can save a lot of money on labor.

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as legal, financial, investment or tax advice or indicate that a specific DCU product or service is right for you. For specific advice about your unique circumstances, you may wish to consult a financial professional.