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How to settle the account of a loved one who has passed on.
After a loved one passes on, settling their accounts can be a difficult responsibility. We hope this information related to our role in this process will be helpful.
Please call us to discuss your situation; we're here to help. We also recommend you contact your financial and legal advisors for assistance.
A certified copy of the death certificate can generally be obtained from the funeral home as well from the local Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages.
You can send a legible photocopy; however, depending on the circumstances, we may require a certified copy.
It depends on your specific circumstances. The laws of the state of residence of the deceased provide state-specific rules for requesting and transferring the deceased customer's funds, which may impose additional requirements. We'll work with you on what may be required specific to your needs.
As the specifics of each account are different, the time it may take to settle an account will also vary. We will provide you with this detailed information when you contact us.
Our Resources and Information guide (PDF, requires Install Adobe Reader for PDF) provides additional details about account ownerships, including individually owned accounts, joint accounts, and Totten (payable on death) accounts.
As the specifics of each account are different, the time it may take to settle an account will also vary. In general, we begin to process a request as soon as we receive the necessary documents.
Yes, some possibilities include:
Call us at: 800.328.8797 Mon-Fri from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Eastern time.